Hirschauer Joins National Gun Safety Leaders at the White House to Address Violence Prevention

WASHINGTON D.C. — State Rep. Maura Hirschauer, D- Batavia, joined state legislative leaders at the White House on Wednesday to launch a nationwide gun safety initiative. 

“I am honored to meet with other state legislators at the White House to discuss the gun violence epidemic that has affected families in every corner of the country,” Hirschauer said. “The deadly status quo is unacceptable. It is important that we come together to share the common sense gun policy ideas that are taking shape in states across the country. Together, we can craft comprehensive legislation to address everything from firearm industry accountability to innovative community-based violence prevention programs.” 

The Safer States Initiative, put forth by the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention, will provide key actions states should take in order to reduce gun violence, including responsible gun ownership and safe storage, enhanced background checks, and wrap-around support for survivors and their families. Model pieces of legislation created by the U.S. Department of Justice will be available to attending legislators that curb reckless gun storage and lost or stolen firearms reporting. 

In her first three years as a State Representative, Hirschauer has pushed for several measures in Springfield to curb gun violence, including the Protect Illinois Communities Act, which banned assault-style weapons and high-capacity magazines, and Karina’s Law, which addresses the deadly intersection of domestic violence and firearms. This session, Hirschauer has introduced three House bills that prioritize safe gun storage and increased education around guns. 

Hirschauer’s House Bill 2723 will prevent young children from accessing firearms in the home. She is partnering with the Secretary of State’s office to provide accessible information on safe gun storage in the home (House Bill 2545), and she is also working with the Department of Public Health to distribute information to families on the dangers to children with unsecured firearms (House Bill 3371). 

“Reducing gun violence has been my top priority since day one, and knowing the White House is a partner, not a hindrance, in this effort is reassuring as we work with other states to put an end to gun violence once and for all,” said Hirschauer. “By prioritizing gun safety from purchase to storage, we can stop gun violence in the home and in the community. I’m honored to be a part of this progressive movement emphasizing safety and education over pandering to a right-wing extremist wishlist. Together as a country, we are enacting common sense policy that will keep us all safe.”

Rep. Maura HirschauerRep. Maura Hirschauer

49th District

Springfield Office:
271-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-1653

District Office:
946 Neltnor Blvd #104
West Chicago IL 60185